This project was funded by The Fair Share Trust.
In December 2010, we received £9, 479.50 to deliver a project based around engaging the hard to reach young people in the local area to tackle grot spots on Langley.

They funded a Youth project co-ordinator for 12 months to engage 15 hard to reach young people. Terry Smith was recruited as a self-employed youth worker, his job was to engage the young people, then with their input identify 3 pieces of land on the Estate that was run down and derelict and bring them back to life. Terry has 20 years in youth work and was trained as a youth worker by Rochdale Metropolitan Council.
As an ex- offender he was already known for his work by lots of young people, some of them had seen his work over the years and so had grown to respect the way that he had turned his life around by becoming a youth worker and they knew he
wanted to ensure that other young people didn’t waste their lives by getting involved in petty crime and anti-social behaviour.
So Terry was obviously the best man for the job.
Terry, along with 15 young people, identified 3 plots of land on Eskdale Gardens, Latrigg Crescent and Mosedale Road. The first thing Terry did was contact groundwork Trust to see if they could offer any qualifications or training/skills to our young people, and they agreed. And all together 10 young people gained qualifications in LvL 2 volunteering in the community and for some this was their first ever qualification.
So in partnership with ground work Trust we set about working on Eskdale Gardens and eventually this piece of land was created into a beautiful place where all the surrounding community got involved in working together.
The Latrigg Crescent land was a massive project to undertake the land was huge and we needed extra cash to develop this land. So Terry and his wife Sue attended a local environment meeting to discuss the ideas they and the young people had. At the meeting it was decided to set up a group who could help with the project. Terry chaired the group and Sue got to work with ground work trust and they applied for £60.00 from Community spaces. In the meantime Sue also met with Housing Market Renewal and they funded a ground clearance project which came to £12,000 they equipped the young people with wellies and tools and they gave a helping hand in clearing out the land.
In October 2011 The Langley Community Leisure Group which includes the young people were successful in their bid for funding to develop the Langley Community Leisure garden. They made the plans for the gardens and were a part of the development every step of the way.
We now have a fantastic area where everyone from the community can work rest and play together. We have 19
allotment plots where people come and work on the allotments.
We have just applied to the Lottery for funding for a training cabin to be placed there where young people can train outside and on the plot in woodwork, joinery and other outdoor activities
The poly tunnel on the land is called the Nipped In the Bud poly tunnel . The Leisure garden has its own website that is in the process of being published.
So without the funding from The Fair share trust. The Langley Community Leisure garden may never have been