In January 2010 our local landlords Riverside ceased to provide a free garden service for the elderly and disabled people from our community. At the time the On the Verge Project was being delivered by Status 4 All. We had begun a small maintenance project which sometimes included maintaining gardens.

Humble beginnings
A local community centre contacted us to see if we could help in any way. We had a meeting with them and agreed to help but stated our equipment wouldn’t be suitable for such a big job; we only had a small lawnmower and a spade. So the pensioners from the pension group had a whip round and bought us a bigger lawn mower and some tools. We took their names and addresses and did their gardens and thus began the scheme.
We now have over 200 pensioners and disabled people on our database, and we have been successful in acquiring funding to provide work experience for over 45 young people and buy bigger and better materials and equipment.
We work in partnership with Riverside our housing land lords and local training organisations to provide training and skills to
our young people.
We are run by local volunteers, this includes the Youth Coordinator who provides mentoring and support and help to all our young people. He also engages the young people who come onto the scheme.
In the winter months we help to maintain the Langley Community Leisure Garden, this is a piece of land which has 19 allotment plots and also a community leisure garden. Terry and the young people work tirelessly to care take the land and develop the garden.
Terry is chair of The Langley Community Leisure Garden group and the group have just applied for funding from The Lottery for a training cabin to provide training to all our young people in gardening, building, wood work and joinery skills.
We are very proud of this project and anyone wishing to volunteer in any aspects of the work that we do can contact us by the details on this web site
Thank you